Minggu, 21 November 2010

Adjective showing feeling


Nama Sekolah : SMK PRAPANCA 2 Surabaya
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester : X/1
Pokok Bahasan : Adjective showing feeling use –ed and -ing
Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit

I. Tujuan Umum Pembelajaran
Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris setara level novice.

II. Tujuan Khusus Pembelajaran
Menyebutkan benda-benda, orang, ciri-ciri, waktu, hari, bulan dan tahun.

III. Indikator
• Siswa dapat mengetahui adjective yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan perasaan (sikap)
• Siswa dapat mengetahui perbedaan anntara adjective feeling use –ing and -ed
• Siswa dapat membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan adjective showing feeling use –ing and –ed.

IV. Metode Pembelajaran/ Tehnik :
Metode : Cooperative, Tanya jawab dan diskusi.
Pendekatan : Comunicative Learning.

V. Kegiatan pembelajaran
1. Membuka Pelajaran (20 menit)
• Greeting dan memberikan motivasi belajar kepada siswa.
• Melakukan presensi siswa.

2. Inti Pelajaran ( 60 menit)
Materi pokok.
• The present participle (-ing) digunakan untuk menggambarkan siapa atau apa apa yang menyebabkan feeling.
Example : I am boring
contoh kalimat diatas menggambarkan bahwa ‘I’ membuat orang lain merasa bosan/saya sedang bosan.
I don’t talk very much or do not have many interesting things to talk about.
• The past participle (~ed) digunakan untuk menggambarkan siapa yang mengalami perasaan bosan.
Example :I am bored, I am not interested in whatever is happening around me. Maybe I am in a boring lecture (the professor causes me to be bored) or I don’t have a good book to read at home and there is nothing interesting on television.

Common adjective which use –ing or -ed

3. Menutup Pelajaran (20 menit)
a. Mengulang ringkasan materi.
b. Memberikan pertanyaan secara langsung kepada siswa/ meminta siswa membuat contoh kalimat adjective showing feeling
c. Memberikan tugas.

VI. Media Pembelajaran
• Media Pembelajaran : Laptop, papan tulis,
• Bahan Pembelajaran : English for vocational School, English Dictionary, www.easyenglish.com

VII. Penilaian
a. Melakukan pertanyaan secara lisan.
b. Menilai hasil tugas dan keaktifan siswa.

Surabaya, 21 Nopember 2010

Guru Pamong Nama Mahasiswa

( ) (Pujianto)

Minggu, 07 November 2010

Adjective clause

Adjective Clause.
Phrase : a group of words
Clause : group of words containing a subject and a verb.
Independent clause / main clause : kalimat lengkap yang dapat berdiri sendiri..
Dependent clause : kalimat yg tidak dapat berdiri sendiri dan harus dihubungkan dengan kalimat independent
• Who, Which, That (Used as subject)
Examples :
1. - Independent clause : The woman is my sister
- Dependent clause n : She sits over there
The woman who sits over there is my sister
The man that sits over there is my sister
2. - The book is mine
- It is on the table
The book which is on the table is mine
The book that is on the table is mine.

• Whom, which, that (Used as object)
Examples :
1. - The man is Mr. Jones
- I meet him
The man whom I meet is Mr. Jones
2. - The food is very delicious
- My mother cooks it for my dinner
The food which my mother cooks is very delicious

• Whose
Example :
1. - The students writes well
- I read her composition
The students whose composition I read writes well
2. - Mr. Jack has a beautiful painting
- Its value is inestimable
Mr. Jack has a beautiful whose value is inestimable.
3. - I know the man
- His bicycle is stolen
I know the man whose his bicycle is stolen

• Where
Example :
1. - The building is very old
- The students live there (in that buliding)
The building where the students live there is very old
2. - The beach is very beautiful
- We go there every weekend
The beach where we go there every weekend is beautiful.
• When
Example :
1. - I forget the day
- The party will be celebrate
I forget the day when the party will be celebrate.
- Summer is the time of year
- The weather is the hottest then